Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Did she say that?
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Posted on Tue, May 6, 2008
Obama campaign thanks those who helped
To the editor:The Obama For America 2008 campaign offices at 18 West Harvey Street/322 West Chelten Avenue would like to acknowledge and give great thanks to the following businesses and individuals for their contributions and tireless efforts during our get out the vote drive. A very special "thank you!" to each and every individual and organization who came in from around the state and from all over the country to make our efforts in
Office staff/volunteers: all volunteers from Pennsylvania and around the country, Abdullah Norman, Adam Tenney, Andrew Becker, Barbara Carey, Barbara Cunningham, Bryan Shanafelt, Carl Palmer, Carol Palmer, Celeste Coleman, Charlene Phyllis, Clyde Dorsey, Constance Ratliff, Craig Newton, Daryl DeBrest, Dan Tinkler, Deborah Saunders, Doug Maurer, Eldred Stubbs, Richard Charman, Eric Frontaloeb, Eric Hayes, Estella Stackhouse, Fred and Roslyn Thomas, Gabriel Falsetta, Gail Robin, Indris Guyton, James Simmons, Jeanette Starks, Jeff Haymes, Julie Echoff, Kara Mooneyham, Kevin Porter, Liz Petrov, Lori and Rahmel Hamilton, Malarie Grace, Marish Saunders, Mary Randall, Marvin Wiggins-Veteran, Matt Weinstein, Mauricio Mejia, Merici Vinton, Nazir Khan, Parker East, Phyllis Brown, Renee Hughes, Rose and Ashley Peck, Sanam Pangali, Sandra Speight, Sodonia and Zephaniak Lemon, Souraghata Semega, Steve Coatesworth, the Thomas family,, Tuon Trinh, Trevor Lee,Wil Massiah, Winston Maragh, and student interns from: Germantown High, Girls High, and Lankenau High.
Thank you - yes we can.
I can check off one of my lifetime goals! Yeah, I finally made the paper! It isn't anything major, but with the help of hundreds of other dedicated Barack Obama supporters, we all worked vigorously to make
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sand Fountain
Saturday, May 24, 2008
911 Operator: "I don't give a shit what happens to you!"
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Whitney Artist T's
Marc Ecko Cut & Sew
Do You Remember Florida?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Malcolm Who!
Monday, May 19, 2008
SNL "There Can Only Be One"
"When you're in a hole, stop digging!"
After watching this video, I learned one very important lesson. Do not make references to something that you absolutely know nothing about. You will find yourself in deep trouble, if someone decides to call your bluff. In the video you will see Chris Mattews, host of Hardball on MSNBC, tear to pieces radio talk show host Kevin James! If he only would have known how this interview would have turned out, he probably would have never shown up!
Peace Trevor Winston Lee
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Remember This!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Truth Hurts
Friday, May 16, 2008
National Ride Your Bike To Work Day
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Keep It Real
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Safehaven Interview with PEDESTRiAN215

Pedestrian215 has been holdin philly down for a year and a half now, and they aren’t showing any signs of slowing down. Located on the infamous “
So when you initially opened up Pedestrian what goals were you hoping to achieve? Have you fulfilled those goals?
When we were planning the opening of the shop, we knew we wanted to have our own in house line and to also create an environment where cats could come down and enjoy being in the shop. We had been in several shops and pulled things from each one to create a formula we thought would work the best for us.I feel that we have definitely completed some of those goals, but their is always room for improvement and we are workin on that right now!
Even though you have some brands that other stores carry, you guys also step away from the crowd by carrying items that people would say are more underground. Why is this?
Up and coming brands are the ones who push this culture, without these brands the market would die. Everyone has to start somewhere and there are some kids out there with talent and great ideas. You never know who's gonna blow up, but sometimes it's cool to watch it happen, and know that you were on it first.
Tell us about the personality of the store that not only your customers bring, but you yourself and your close friends bring as well.
Most of the kids who come in are diverse and so is our vibe. We can get down with anyone and feel comfortable doing so. We feel it is weak when people act like they are "too cool"! What is the point of being that way and tryin to sell "exclusive" items?... It doesn't make sense! The PEDX family is mad chill and easy going, you walk in and are treated like you should be!
Looking back on the year and a half that the store has been open, would you trade its location for another city other than
Easiest question you have asked, NOT AT ALL. We are from near
There are rumors on a new location for Pedestrian in Philly! Can you give me as well as the many other people apart of this Pedestrian movement any feedback on that?
HA, funny you ask...All i can say is STAY TUNED
What can we look for in the future from Pedestrian215?
You will see some big changes going into our second year, we are currently working on a new concept for the shop and our line. We are also working on bringing more of a TOTAL lifestyle feel. Big things are brewing in the PEDX camp, look for us and our brands doing good things for the scene here in Philly in 08 and beyond!
I would like to thank Safehaven, our brands, and all of the faithful PEDX fans who have supported to this point, and get ready for the future...A NEW DAY IS COMING!